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For busy individuals and professionals, contributing to St. Philip’s School and Community Center is easier than you might think. There are many ways your business or organization can make a difference. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Become a strategic Partner
  2. Sponsor a child, class or team
  3. Fund a line item on our budget
  4. Recruit volunteers to assist with development programs
  5. Announce our programs and events in your employee newsletter
  6. Sponsor a project or event
  7. Recruit volunteers to tutor students and community center children
  8. Recruit volunteers for clerical work in school administrative offices
  9. Coach an athletic team
  10. Recruit your minister to conduct chapel services for students on a weekly basis
  11. Make St. Philip’s a line item on your annual budget
  12. Donate goods, items & supplies for classroom, administrative and community center needs
  13. Recruit volunteers for professional services, consulting, etc. for the school and community center
  14. Start a mentoring program
  15. Become a mentor
  16. Volunteer to serve at the Thanksgiving Luncheon for surrounding neighborhood families
  17. Donate to Thanksgiving food drive
  18. Have a St. Philip’s neighborhood clean-up day
  19. Have a planned giving workshop
  20. Have a business class or organization for the youth
  21. Donate items for auction fundraisers
  22. Plan a retreat for community center children
  23. Pick up children from the community center for Sunday services at your church
  24. Underwrite annual collateral printing costs
  25. Donate robes for acolytes and student choir
  26. Sponsor/underwrite the annual roast
  27. Donate Christian children videos and musical audio tapes


Did you find one that fits you or your group?

Let us know.  We'll get you connected right away.  Email us today or call 214.421.5221.