Inspirational and thought-provoking messages informed by my faith, ministry in education and community development
THE PEACEful Transition of Power
Please do not get wrapped up in the masked or unmasked ball of confusion. In 2020, and soon 2021, it is easy to become entangled and lose focus on THE TRUTH. Although denied by many who do not realize that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess, THE PEACEful transition of power has taken place.
Through birth, life, death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have received an opportunity to have the power of everlasting life and have it more abundantly. This power comes with a supernatural peace which surpasses ALL understanding migrated from God with the gift of our option to accept Christ.
As our students are taught “it’s okay to pray and make an A.” Believers should block out the noise of unrest knowing God is with us. This realization should bring us comfort in a time when the ultimate PEACEful transition of power is being lost in the translations of politics, posturing, and pompous portrayal.
The ultimate PEACEful transition of power initiated on the silent night, the holy night, which should allow us to sleep in heavenly peace even amidst these turbulent times.
Thomas Garner